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ADHD foreningen

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Afghansk Dansk Kvinde Association (ADKA)

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Danish Muslim Aid

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Dansk Blindesamfund

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Dansk Kvindesamfund Vejle Forening

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Dansk MPN Forening

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Dansk Narkolepsiforening

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Dansk Rumænsk Kultur Forening

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FNUG-Foreningen af unge med gigt

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Gigtforeningen GPA

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Grønlænderforeningen Nattorlik

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Høreforeningen Vejle Lokalafdeling

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Lev Vejle

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Litauisk Forening

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LPTSD, lokalafdeling Vejle

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Mødrehjælpen Vejle Lokalforening

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Natteravnene Vejle

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Peer to Peer

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Red Barnet Lokalafdeling

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Red Barnet Ungdom

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SIND Lokalforening

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Stensvangs Venner

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Trekantens Bridgeklub

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Vejle Expat Network

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Vejle Soroptimistklub

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Vejle Sports og kultur forening

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Vejlemi Erinaq

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Venskabsforeningen/Alsadaqa foreningen

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